stelah lama x bersiaran di blog nie..dkat2 2 bulan lbey la jgk kn..yela dok umah la bkn dok umah goyang2 leg ja tau..xsempat lgi oo nk bergoyang2 leg..abes ja exam 13th May ari2..blek Penang with Atikah..n then the next monday da start my industrial training at Hospital Seberang Jaya (HSJ)..kat cna dh jdi mcm staff n not trainee..adoiyai..mmg sgt lah penat + letih..everyday msuk keja 8am till 5pm..huh nk kna travel plak 2 ari2..ok laa..let's me story a bit about my tasks and experiences at HSJ.
Ok..1st of all I wanna to introduce my "lovely" supervisor whose is a senior biochemist there -->Puan Hanita Hashim..The other biochemists are Puan Hairani Othman and Puan Tan Chai Seah..They all are kind to me n other trainees..huhu..The other 2 trainees are my coursemates--> atikah and nidyalethemy..
Nidya yg tgah berposing kt depan Pathology Department
N then ada la jgk trainees from others universities including UiTM,UIA,UPM and USM..Mmg best la dpt kenal ngn depa nie...ermmm,pas 2 staff dlm lab nie sumanya ok n baek2 blaka..They are willing to help me..In this biochemistry laboratory or known as Chemical Pathology before are divided into 8sections includes Sorting and centrifugation section,quick entry n demografic section,HITACHI section,Hormones section,Miscelleneous 1 and 2 sections and last but not least drugs section and ammonia lactate section.
Dlm biochem lab nie mostly the tests are run by machines..So,I have learnt the correct way to operate and handle the analyzer used.n then,sempat lgi mg'usyar' doctor2 kt cni..huhu..tpi x dak la yg berkenan d ati nie..huhu =)
Ok la..nk cita cket la about each section that I was attached for almost 8weeks..this laboratory run the tests for routine chemistry,whole blood(HbA1c) and immunoassay test(TSH,free T4 and total T4).
1st of all nk start ngn ''sorting and centrifugation section" la..the 1st section in this lab..
Dalam section nie bnda baru yg sya blajar tmasuk la containers used for each la jgk dok section nie..relaxs ja..tpi skali sample mai mcm gunung huh pnat woo..abes tkoyak gloves2 sya..pas2 kn centrifuge plak blood sample 2 gna centrifuge machine yg sgtla mnggerunkan..huhu..
''quick entry and demografic section'' plak section yg sgt la membosankn..why??yela just seat in front of the computer and keep in the patient's data..pas2 kna plak dgn MLT incharged kak ani a.k.a cik anie yg mcm harimau..nk tnya pn tkot..klau silap..abes la mletup..=)
"hormones section" ok la jgk coz cik mai best..dia ajak cmna nk run hormones test guna cobas e411 autoanalyzer..snang ja pn mcm HITACHI la jgk..msuk sample,tkan2 button kt screen,machine yg wat smua..tpi at least tau la jgk principles bejind the test and how the machine operates..Wah!!!at first,agak jakun or 'peraq' owg penang kta..yela tgk betapa canggih nya analyzer nie..mmg jakun siot..meh lyan machine yg bijak + bestari itu.
Cobas e411 autoanalyzer used to run immunoassay tests
Ok..lets go to the next section which is'' HITACHI section''..
section nie kak aisyah yg comel incharged..dia nie x pnah lokek ngn ilmu yg dia ada..baek this section,I have learnt how to operate the HITACHI 912 analyzer and run the tests requested by the doctors..The tests run by this machine are:
-Renal profile
-Lipid profile test
-Liver function test
-Glucose tolerance test
serum bilirubin volume
HITACHI 912 analyzer
next section is ''Miscelleneous 1 and 2 section''
Miscelleneous 1 section nie deals with blood gases test,urine tests and body fluids test..MLT incharge section nie mmg sgtla melucukan..huhu..he is a chiniese guy and still single and nk???huhu..tpi..sorrry to say la..tuan punya bdan mmg sgt tekad x mo kwen..huhu..nk tau x lgu favourite dia apa??nie ha..
''hujan sudah turun.....
kmbing pn lari....'' lyric by Mr.Wong
Anyway,he is such a nice guy..dia bnyak la ajaq psal tests2 dlm section nie..mmg pham la dia ajaq..rmai owg ckap dia suka buli trainees but for me,he is least bila dia swuh kita wat sndiri test mmg kita lgi pham la..tpi yg x leh than klau urine 24hours test..mmg mmbusukkan bak kta Mr.Wong..
Medica Easy Blood Gas
Roche Omni C
Blood gases tests nie run to determine the gases such as CO2,O2 and pO2..the test must be run within 30 minutes and the sample must come together with ic,.or else the sample will be rejected.
Section Miscelleneous 2 plak incharged outsourcing tests to Hospital Penang,IMR and others hospitals.Besides that,I have learnt how to run whole blood test (HbA1c) by using Bio-Rad DIASTAT analyser.
Ok the next one is drugs section,the most interesting section.Here,the people incharged og dis section kna deals ngn police,ADK..huh!section yg mncabar tau..keja pn kna wat dgn teliti or else kna la naek trun court n bersoal-jwab la ngn lawyer n hakim..yela,contohnya la kn..if someone yg just wat medical checkup n then kita run test jdi positive for drug eiher morphine or cannabinoids la.If the person mmg x pnah amek drugs for sure la dia akn lwan kt court coz nk prthankn diri dia kn..huh!!!bhaya kot.mmg best la section nie..bleh la apply theory yg dh sgt coz test mmg run manually..klau machine yg run mmg borink la..kak yogarani,MLT yg inchrged dis section pn baik..suka story mcm2 la bout the lab n staff as well as her experiences.As the conclusion,mmg bestla wat LI kt HSJ..experiences and knowledge yg sya dpt kt cni mmg x bleh la dpt kt tmpat2 laen..puas ati la wat Li kt cni..
urine sample for drug
Extraction of morphine from urine sample
Meeting in "Makmal Dadah" - atikah,adibah n kak bibah =)
Kt cni,even sya,atikah n nidya mmg kna attached kt biochem lab ja..x mcm trainee lain la yg rotate smua lab coz kmi kn pure,d lab nie la kmi mnetap..tpi kmi still dok p mlawat lab laen jgk...lab yg kmi suka wat lwatan lab histopathology/cytology lab..mmg bleh tgk real la organ2 dlaman mcm uterus,appendix,colon n even fetuses tau..agak mngerikan la...especially msa tgk Dr.Hakimah dok ptong2 uterus dgn gaya yg cool skali..pas2 kmi pn ada jgk la p tgk bone marrow aspiration kt ward2..first tyme tgk mmg sgt la mnakutkan..the 2nd tyme tgk sgt kagum dgn dctor from UM kot..mmg snang n cool gila dia wat compared to the other doctor..bangga wooo dia kai matric card UM tyme tgh wat bone marrow aspiration..huhu=)..
pas2 kmi ada jgk p tgk Fine Needle Aspiration (FNAS) for thyroid and breast..mmg mnarik sgt2..kt cni kmi ada jgk la attend Continuous Medical Education (CME) about science and health..CME talk yg kmi attend ialah Hand Hygine,melidiosis,thyroid hormones and menoupause organized by Pathology Department and hospitals.Ok la 2 ja kot..pnat dh mnaip..jom lyan pic2 yg ada k...
urine sample for drug
Extraction of morphine from urine sample
Meeting in "Makmal Dadah" - atikah,adibah n kak bibah =)
Kt cni,even sya,atikah n nidya mmg kna attached kt biochem lab ja..x mcm trainee lain la yg rotate smua lab coz kmi kn pure,d lab nie la kmi mnetap..tpi kmi still dok p mlawat lab laen jgk...lab yg kmi suka wat lwatan lab histopathology/cytology lab..mmg bleh tgk real la organ2 dlaman mcm uterus,appendix,colon n even fetuses tau..agak mngerikan la...especially msa tgk Dr.Hakimah dok ptong2 uterus dgn gaya yg cool skali..pas2 kmi pn ada jgk la p tgk bone marrow aspiration kt ward2..first tyme tgk mmg sgt la mnakutkan..the 2nd tyme tgk sgt kagum dgn dctor from UM kot..mmg snang n cool gila dia wat compared to the other doctor..bangga wooo dia kai matric card UM tyme tgh wat bone marrow aspiration..huhu=)..
pas2 kmi ada jgk p tgk Fine Needle Aspiration (FNAS) for thyroid and breast..mmg mnarik sgt2..kt cni kmi ada jgk la attend Continuous Medical Education (CME) about science and health..CME talk yg kmi attend ialah Hand Hygine,melidiosis,thyroid hormones and menoupause organized by Pathology Department and hospitals.Ok la 2 ja kot..pnat dh mnaip..jom lyan pic2 yg ada k...
Bowel with fat deposited
Chest skin
Appendix sample
Gall bladder
grossing the sample,cmna da tgk all the pic yg tlah di snap from Histopathology/cytology lab??mnarik??jom lyan lgi..tpi lyan pic2 all d trainees la ea..
pas 2 kn,kt cni kmi smua trainee ciap ada wat test blood sndiri tau..ciap da awal2 wat screening for thalasemia.Alhamdulillah,I'm not a carrier of,no need to screen dh pasnie..bleh kwen suda..huhu=)
ok la..2 sja kot yg nk d share d blog nie..klau ada pnambahan akn dbritahu kelak..huhu =)
"Biochemist - to -be" ---> InsyaAllah
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